post archived August 24, 2022


Subset of Disinfectants on List N that have been tested specifically on SARS-Cov-2:




EPA’s List N: Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-Cov-2

AAPSE’s PPE Fact Sheet

NPSEC’s Respirator Decision Tree

Oregon Dept of Agriculture’s Dilution Rates table for Disinfection Products

AAPCO’s COVID-19 Survey – Summary PDF and Excel sheet – all individual responses are included in each format

EPA’s Coronavirus webpage

FDA’s Coronavirus webpage 

CDC’s Coronavirus webpage

EPA OPP press including Agency link to list of approved products:


EPA’s Antimicrobial Division leadership: Anita Pease (DD), and Steve Weiss (deputy), Diane Isbell, (AD’s Ombudsman).

EPA: Please send citizen inquiries to either or AD’s Ombudsman mailbox

EPA: For registrants, there is a disinfectants mailbox to request expedited actions, including adding products to List N:

EPA has developed a temporary policy regarding EPA enforcement of environmental legal obligations during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Many states are putting up information directly on their websites regarding how they are adjusting during this time.  Please check individual state websites for additional information.

Indiana:  OISC Issues Temporary Regulatory Compliance Guidance in Response to Issues Resulting from the Current COVID-19 Pandemic

Ohio: Private Applicators Legislation

Minnesota:  Adopted Exempt Emergency Rules Relating to Sanitizers and Disinfectants for Treatment of COVID-19

Wisconsin: Certification Extension, and Development of Online Testing

Michigan:  COVID-19 Resources for Migrant Workers

Kentucky:  KDA Releases New Guidance Regarding Pesticide Applicator Licenses in Light of COVID-19 Pandemic

Delaware: Delaware is conducting drive up testing and have reached out individually to everyone who had been signed up for testing;  We have put into place several safety measures to keep the testers safe along with our employees.  We have also kept the integrity of the test intact by instituting several rules during the testing to keep the information safe.  Tests are still being proctored by DDA staff, one person per vehicle (for test security and social distancing protocol) eight vehicles per test block (2 hour blocks), cellphones on the dashboard, extra copies of the test have been printed so they can be quarantined after test, plastic clipboards were purchased for testing use, they will be disinfected or quarantined after use, PPE will be worn during grading, answer sheets scanned and discarded.

North Carolina:  COVID-19 Resources for Farmers and Farmworkers (Migrant, Seasonal and H2A)

Georgia:  Emergency Rule to use general use sanitizers and disinfectants to treat for COVID-19 only without being specifically certified in the Antimicrobial Pest Control category; GDA Releases Guidance Regarding Structural Pest Control Technician Registrations;  future updates may be found on their website.

Nebraska: License Restrictions Eased


Homeland Security’s Memorandum on Identification of Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers During COVID-19 Response

March 17, 2020: Letter from NPMA– the National Pest Management Association- to AAPCO members requesting support for structural pest management to be considered an essential industry during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The AAPCO Board agrees and supports the request.

3-D illustration from Getty Images/iStockphoto